Strategic Plan 22-26Mission

CASE provides leadership to advance the field of special education through professional learning, policy, and advocacy. 

Review the CASE 2022-2026 Strategic Plan




Core Values

VISIONARY LEADERSHIP:  CASE is committed to innovative, forward-thinking and dedicated to excellence. 

INCLUSIONARY PRACTICES: CASE is committed to the highest standards of access, equity, belonging, and inclusion.

ENGAGEMENT:  CASE is committed to intentional partnerships with our colleagues in preK-12 education, university,  corporate, non-profit, and public communities.

INTEGRITY:  CASE is committed to fostering the values of honesty, fairness, and professional and scholarly ethics.

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1 CASE will provide innovative professional learning to leaders in the field of special education. (PROFESSIONAL LEARNING)

  • Target Area 1A  Professional Development: Create professional development based on the Administrator of  Special Education Professional Leadership Standards and the current needs of the profession.
  • Target Area 1B  Research: Collect, analyze, and disseminate research and evidence-based information on critical issues and best practices.
  • Target Area 1C  Annual Professional Learning Plan: Create and revise an annual professional learning plan.
  • Target Area 1D  Resources: Distribute and produce digital and print publications to increase  knowledge of research and evidence-based resources.

Goal 2  CASE will increase advocacy and visibility as the leading voice for leaders in the field of special education. (ADVOCACY AND POLICY)

  • Target Area 2A  Policy: Develop and leverage position statements on policy issues in alignment with the CASE legislative platform.
  • Target Area 2B  Advocacy: Prepare, organize, and inspire units (subdivisions) to engage with legislators in advocacy at every level.
  • Target 2C  Partnerships: Expand partnerships with fellow national organizations and other individual stakeholders.

Goal 3  CASE will increase membership in CASE and CEC with an emphasis on historically underrepresented members. (MEMBERSHIP)

  • Target 3A  Recruitment: Increase recruitment efforts for new members. 
  • Target 3B  Engagement: Increase member participation through committee involvement, leadership development, and networking opportunities.
  • Target 3C  Unit Support: Develop and maintain strong state and provincial units (subdivisions). 
  • Target 3D  Communication: Increase awareness of resources, opportunities for leadership growth, member benefits, and advocacy efforts.